Want Accountability? Consistency? Experience? No B.S. approach?

That’s us - Ladies That Lift


Owner and Head Coach

I’ve been coaching for over 10 years and have coached hundreds of women, I created Ladies That Lift aka LTL, to inspire you, a generation of women who are sick of yo-yo diets and want results that last!

We know you – you want to be able to wake up in the morning energized, you want to be able to go to the gym with confidence, you want to wear shorts in summer with freedom, you want to be able to eat food without regret, guilt, or shame. We hear you.

Training has been the one consistent thing in my life, from 14, to now, through high school, university, lockdowns, and breakups, training has supported my mental health and resiliency in more ways than one. And the physical benefits of lifting heavy things often are a by-product of consistency, even when I don’t have the ‘motivation’.

We work with all fitness levels (from no experience to athletes) and will push you out of your comfort zone when necessary, after all, you don’t get the body of your dreams by sitting on it and scrolling social media.

We can’t wait to meet you!

Higher Education Studies:



Raquel has been featured in the Herald Sun
National Women’s Fitness Academy Podcast

Raquel Hosts
her very own podcast The Female
Health Show

Kiara Sala

Ladies That Lift Coach

Hi! I work closely with clients 1 on 1 to provide a personal and detailed experience. I have had the pleasure of coaching clients to photoshoots and am currently working on preparing a few clients to compete in Powerlifting competitions. I am honoured to have learnt under, Raquel Ramirez, Mark Ottobre, and Gus Cooke.

My knowledge of health and fitness doesn’t only apply to the gym, it includes nutrition, lifestyle, and breaking unhealthy habits! I aim for every woman I coach to experience a full lifestyle change that will apply to all aspects of their life!

Every day I get to work 1 on 1 with all my clients, as well as getting to know each of them on a personal basis. This is a vital aspect of my coaching, enabling me to connect with my girls on a deeper level.

The reward of changing someone’s life is immeasurable and I cannot wait to continue making great impacts and transformations in many other females’ lives!

Coaching my clients to see results and view themselves in a positive light inspires me, to continue pushing myself and my clients to become the best version of themselves.
I firmly believe that the journey is just as important if not more important than the end goal and by guiding my clients through their journey, I feel empowered to continue pushing myself both personally and professionally.

I am honoured to be a coach for ladies that lift, learning from Raquel herself everyday!


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Egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat. Dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat vivamus at. Ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget egestas purus.

Chelsea Hardie

"I was so nervous to do this photoshoot but then we did it and it was suddenly all over and I was so glad that I came, I had a great time!"

Jessica Stikovic

"Over the course of just under a year, my relationship with food, how I see working out and the relationship I have with myself has significantly improved."

Giulia Nicolo

"I would recommend joining LTL because you will always be pushed to the very best of your abiity whilst being supported 100% of the time."

Emily Borg

"Since training with LTL for 6 months I feel so much more confident and I really love the way I look and feel."


Everything we do at Ladies That Lift is aimed to create sustainability for your lifestyle and long-term habits!

We are in the business of health and fitness, and we know that if it isn’t sustainable you will always be yo-yo dieting and losing motivation. Listen to what some of our clients have to say about us!



Hey, I’m Raquel – I empower women and most importantly I love being a coach for women! I want women to take action to feel better about themselves, I’m sick of diet challenges,

Apple Podcast
Google Podcast



I have tried a few PT and wasn't able to lose weight.

Raquel has not only helped me to lose weight but also found a healthier way of living and has made me more confident in myself. Raquel listens to her clients and is great with communication as she works alongside her clients to achieve their goals. I would highly recommend Raquel
Before I started with Raquel I never thought I would be able to loss the weight I wanted to.

After 1 week I dropped 2 kg, this was trying a new diet plan more suited to my body and health! After 12 weeks I was able to loss 14kg...! You not only getting a PT trainer , you are also getting a friend someone who has your back no matter what you think, say or do Raquel knows you can do it and achieve that end result 😌. I’m still with Raquel and I can’t wait to see what happens next xxx
I have been training with Raquel since the start of this year (2019) and all I can say is she’s absolutely changed my life! Not only has she helped me lose weight and become stronger, she’s been able to completely transform my mindset and lifestyle!

If anyone is looking for a PT that is actually in it for the long run with you to push you and help achieve your goals without being restricted, Raquel is definitely your girl! Not to mention she’s the absolute sweetest and most helpful person ever, couldn’t recommend a better PT than her




Who said we need to be less than who we are?

Let’s take up space! Let’s be loud! Let’s lift heavy! Let’s train with intent! Let’s be the strongest chick in the room and hype the other women around us! Let’s be the best version of ourselves and cheer the women around us on too.

Ladies that Lift is a space for women to get strong, and EMBRACE the strong women around them, we specialise in female personal training, we understand you, the female body, and just how important taking care of yourself physically and emotionally is.