Growing Glutes Q&A

Q & A

“During hip thrusts I feel my quads more than my glutes, is this normal?” If this is the case then you have most likely got your feet in the wrong place! In a perfect world, your shins need to be directly under your knees when you come up into a hip thrust position and knees […]


Growing Glutes

Updated: Sep 20, 2021 Glutes can improve aesthetics, health, strength, performance and play a crucial role in injury prevention. There are 3 muscles that make up the “glutes” GLUTEUS MAXIMUS (the largest) GLUTEUS MEDIUS GLUTEUS MINIMUS (the smallest) I remember many years ago believing that it would be impossible to grow glutes to their round […]

4 things I would do different if I was to compete again

Woman wearing medal

Updated: May 20, 2020 I had an incredibly successful prep, placing every time with 2 first places…! I don’t regret anything but thinking about competing I always think of these few things so I thought I would share them if anyone was curious. 1. Follow the post-comp meal plan It’s really hard. You will never […]

Why you can’t JUST exercise for fat loss.

Woman sitting on fence

I mean, you could…but what would really change long term? Punishing yourself with cardio? Disappointed if your muscles aren’t sore (DOMS: delayed onset muscle soreness)? How many times have you eaten a salad and then checked out your abs the next morning? Disappointing isn’t it? Starving yourself and using muscle soreness as a measurement for […]

Should you compete?

Fitness show

If you’ve been paying attention to the bikini and fitness modelling shows you may have been wondering “could I ever step on stage?”, “I want to do that one day, they look amazing”, “It looks cool – that’s something I want to do one-day”. Well, if you’ve been tossing between these thoughts in your head […]

How to do a SIT-UP without hurting your back, or using your hip flexors!

woman sit-ups

If you’re going to do sit-ups, let’s do them properly. There’s a plethora of ab exercises far better than sit-ups yet when someone says ab exercises sit-ups are usually the first exercise listed. My problem with sit-ups is that if you feel your legs and hip flexors then eventually, at some stage, you will experience […]