Join Ladies
That Lift In Powerlifting

We take women to sanctioned (competitive) competitions. We suggest a 12 to 16-week preparatory training phase PRIOR to competing depending on factors such as training age and experience level.


Compete in Powerlifting with the Ladies That Lift Team.

I'm not strong because I lift, I'm strong because I won't quit!

I hate getting up in front of people, it makes me so nervous however, the support and the thrill of hitting the big numbers ignites the fire within me, my goal has always been to get stronger and push my limits that's where Raquel has stepped in."
FIRST POWER LIFTING COMP DONE & DUSTED!! And took out 1st place in my weight class.

8 months postpartum and could not have asked for a better day… or a better COACH!!! Wouldn’t be here without you Raquel! The love and appreciation I have for you is HUGE & to compete alongside you today was an honour 🤍

Overall Lifts
Squat: PB of 132.5kg
Bench: 67.5kg
Deadlift: PB of 150kg

Competing to me is something fun and a way to compete against my past self.

If it wasn't for Raquel recognising the potential in me and telling me to use my love for lifting (and the heavy weights I was already doing) for competitions I wouldn't be where I am now!

3 comps in 1 year, taking first place and 3rd in two of those comps! I'm so much happier and prouder within myself. Being consistent with my training and taking in all the advice that Raquel has provided, allowed me to hit a new PB in EVERY comp so far!"
Powerlifting is something I never thought I'd ever be interested in!
First ever comp and I lifted a total of 260kg and I couldn’t be PROUDER!!!

S: 100, +2.5kg PB
B: 47.5 + 2.5kg PB
D: 112.5 + 7.5kg PB

Bring on the next one!
Kiara LTL Coach
Nothing compares to standing on a platform and lifting the heaviest weight you can with the crowd behind you!

Powerlifting brought me a sense of stability in training and life when all I knew was to thrash my body with as much exercise as possible and restricted eating. This is why it is a huge part of my business Ladies That Lift, to compete is just fun!
Raquel Owner LTL


Fill in your details if you are interested in performance training towards Powerlifting


Every quater Ladies That Lift hosts in-house training events or lifting parties with the other Ladies That Lift community! We work towards these in-house comps in sessions, it’s fun and inspiring!



Now I feel strong, empowered to try new things at the gym and more confident in my skin.

Before training with Kiara I was quite inconsistent with training, lacked confidence in the gym and found it difficult to achieve my fitness goals.

Now I feel strong, empowered to try new things at the gym and more confident in my skin.
My main goal when starting with Raquel was to improve my deadlifting, squating and overall technique in the gym but I've learnt so much more.

Raquel wrote and monitored my meal plan, her exercise programming and check-ins has helped me to listen to my body more so I am getting adequate rest and not over training.
Raquel is the best PT I’ve had. Not only does she focus on women’s health and empowering women to be the best version of themselves.

I would highly recommend Ladies That Lift to any woman who wants to better themselves in health, fitness, their mental state or if they want to take to the platform like me!
Ebook Image



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