The ladies that come to us want REAL CHANGE not just for the
transformation photo.

We aim to instil sustainable changes with nutrition, training and your mindset.


I reached out to Raquel because I wanted to take my journey to another level. I wanted to feel confident in the gym and most importantly confident in myself.

I used to be that girl that used to go straight upstairs in the ladies-only section because I was too insecure to train downstairs. The thought of it used to stress me out. I still got results but I was limiting myself to so much, all because I was in my head. Which I feel a lot of people could relate to.

From the moment I met Raquel and we had our first consultation I knew she was the right coach for me. She is so present, understanding and just REAL. She hears you, your goals, your dreams and will do everything in her power to help you achieve everything that you want. This has been by far the best investment I have made in myself. I am a new person, I am confident, I have fallen in love with myself over and over again.

I think the most important thing when choosing a coach is choosing someone who is going to push you, put you in line and guide you through it all, but someone who actually cares about you, your mental health and physical health.

Any time someone reaches out to me telling me how amazing I am doing I instantly send them Raquel’s details, because I know how much they can also benefit from this experience. You will never regret investing in yourself. I could not recommend her more. She was made for this.




Now I feel strong, empowered to try new things at the gym and more confident in my skin. VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Before training with Kiara I was quite inconsistent with training, lacked confidence in the gym and found it difficult to achieve my fitness goals. The biggest thing we achieved together would have to be navigating nutrition and building on compound movements. Now I feel strong, empowered to try new things at the gym and more confident in my skin. The great gals team @ltl_melbourne provide excellent support, education and encouragement with flexible training hours and challenge their clients to exceed their fitness goals.


She has helped me every step of the way and I couldn’t be any happier of the results! VIEW TRANSFORMATION


I have had Kiara for the past couple months, and I can truly say she’s one of a kind. The in-depth help and personalisation of the programs provided is truly amazing. She has helped me every step of the way and I couldn’t be any happier of the results! She truly is there to help you with your goals and I’m so glad I met these girls. I have to thank both Raquel and Kiara for leading me on this journey. It honestly is life changing.


Raquel is the best PT I’ve had. Not only does she focus on women’s health and empowering women... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Raquel is the best PT I’ve had. Not only does she focus on women’s health and empowering women to be the best version of themselves, but she really listens to your wants and needs as a client. She is also so full of knowledge, from nutrition and exercising to PMS and dealing with stress. As a trainer, she is proactive and responsive and I am so thankful for what I have achieved and continue to do with her - we've been together for 3 years now (and counting). I would highly recommend Ladies That Lift to any woman who wants to better themselves in health, fitness, but also their mental state as well.


- 13cm off her waist
- 10kg weight drop
- major knee valgus correction... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Constantly bloated post seven weeks after her baby to having energy and making better food... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


It’s taking me a lot of courage to share these images of myself BUT I am proud of what I have... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


It’s taking me a lot of courage to share these images of myself BUT I am proud of what I have achieved. 1 year ago all my workouts were cardio based with MINIMAL if not NO strength training. I was killing myself and restricting my body nutritionally with 8 week challenges. Fast forward to NOW. The photo on the right shows me at the SAME weight and as a woman who is proud to be fuelling my body currently with almost 2000 calories a day with NO CARDIO. My workouts now purely consist of me lifting heavy weights and feeling fucking strong. I have never felt more like myself. I feel strong mentally and physically and cannot believe how far I have come.


After training with LTL for 6 months I feel so much more confident and I really love the way I look and feel! VIEW TRANSFORMATION
I have been training with LTL for 6 months and I feel so confident and I have a much greater appreciation for myself and my body. I feel so much more energetic and healthy since improving my diet and being more active. If you’re thinking of starting in the gym with a coach, I seriously couldn’t recommend Kiara and LTL more highly!! Before starting with LTL, I was extremely unhappy with my body and had really poor self image and confidence. I had no appreciation for what my body or mind could achieve. I wanted to make a change to this but didn’t really know where to start. The biggest thing that Kiara has helped me to achieve is overcoming the mental battle involved with training, and as a result I’ve realised that I’m stronger and more capable than I thought, and that’s reflecting in my training and my life too!


Now, I feel confident within myself and look forward to training and coming into the gym! VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Before training with Kiara, I didn’t have a healthy relationship with food and had a very inconsistent training routine. I lacked confidence and motivation because I was never hitting the goals I had set myself. The biggest thing we achieved was being comfortable training alone and hitting my goal weight! Now, I feel confident within myself and look forward to training and coming into the gym. I am also very proud that I was able to hit so many goals we had set. I recommend Kiara because she is really supportive and is constantly encouraging you to work towards bigger and better things. She helps make goals that you may think are unreachable a reality.


Kiara has been so incredibly supportive and non judgemental which is everything I was looking for in a PT. VIEW TRANSFORMATION


I was very tired from doing nothing and didn't have a good eating and exercise routine which was really affecting my day to day. My gut health was terrible which was affecting me mentally I feel strong for the first time in my life which is an incredible feeling. We completely fixed my gut health which helped with bloating which has helped me develop a better body image. Kiara has been so incredibly supportive and non judgemental which is everything I was looking for in a PT. We've been working together to build up my mental and physical strength and I'm always looking forward to a session where we can chat and work hard to achieve my goals


Before I started with Raquel I never thought I would be able to loss the weight I wanted to. After 1 week I dropped 2 kg, this was... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Before I started with Raquel I never thought I would be able to loss the weight I wanted to. I struggle with a medical condition that causes my body to gain weight. After 1 week I dropped 2 kg, this was trying a new diet plan more suited to my body and health. After 12 weeks I was able to loss 14kg. It’s not only working out and eating great that Raquel helped me with along my journey but also my mind set. You not only getting a PT, you are also getting a friend someone who has your back no matter what you think, say or do Raquel knows you can do it and achieve that end result 😌. I’m still with Raquel and I can’t wait to see what happens next xxx


Lockdown 'isolation' body, mind and health changes - from better foods, better sleep, and better way of training ALL FROM HOME! VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Training with Raquel has been life changing! I’ve spent years with other trainers before and have never experienced such... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Training with Raquel has been life changing! I’ve spent years with other trainers before and have never experienced such attention to detail and how hands on she is. I’m an online client and Raquel goes above and beyond to tailor a workout plan and meal plan to suit my goals/lifestyle/likes+dislikes etc. She pushes me beyond measure and I have been loving my results! Not only is she an amazing trainer she takes time out of her days to really understand her clients and their goals! If you are looking for a trainer look nowhere else!!


Raquel has helped me to achieve things that I never thought I’d be able to do such as lose a healthy amount of weight, hit PBs... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


I can say that the gym is one of my favourite places to be and I couldn’t imagine my life not training! I have learnt so much about health and nutrition as well, this has helped me to keep healthy habits and a happy mindset. Raquel has also helped me to achieve things that I never thought I’d be able to do such as lose a healthy amount of weight, hit PBs and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Hitting 100kg deadlifts was something that seemed almost impossible for me a year ago but now we’ve achieved this! I would recommend joining LTL because you will always be pushed to the very best of your ability whilst being supported 100% of the time.


Thank You for all the support so happy I filled in the free intro form!!! VIEW TRANSFORMATION


I now train at the gym in tights and a sports bra and even wear a bikini at the beach... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


I want to say a big Thankyou to Raquel and Ladies That Lift. These girls are truely dedicated to their clients and always seek the best for them. Strength training has not only taught me the benefits of eating right and staying healthy, but taught me to value myself, become more positive and attentive, and to overcome overthinking about the little things. I now train at the gym in tights and a sports bra and even wear a bikini at the beach.. I’m forever grateful. I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of training with these girls as I felt supported, welcomed, and not judged as they wanted to help me.


Her effort is always 100% She doesn't miss a check-in. She runs a very in-demand business i.e. she makes time for her... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


I hate getting up infront of people, it makes me so nervus however, the support the thrill of hitting the big numbers ignites the fire with in me, my goal has always been to get stronger and push my limits that's where Raquel has stepped in. "I'm not strong because I lift, I'm strong because I won't quit!" "Strong women aren't born, they are made by the storms they walk through". "In a world that wants women to whisper, I choose to yell"


5 months of training and eating .. a lot. Up to 3000 calories per day currently since this photo was taken, no cardio, just steps... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


8kg down in 12 weeks. If it wasn't for Kiara's support at Ladies that Lift I wouldn't have ever achieved this much! VIEW TRANSFORMATION


If it wasn't for Kiara's support I wouldn't never have achieved this much" 8kg down since her start date 12 weeks ago and the ability actually bench press the 20kg bar! We are proud of your Kriyal. Clients come to us not just for a body transformation - but for what us coaches deliver on supporting the human experience. We are here to help you with your lifting but also to help you find yourself and we can give you that strength to be who you are.


I can’t recommend Raquel enough, if you are considering PT I suggest reaching out, you won’t regret it. Raquel has... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


My main goal when starting with Raquel was to improve my deadlifting, squating and overall technique in the gym but I got so much more... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


My main goal when starting with Raquel was to improve my deadlifting, squating and overall technique in the gym, and what I've learnt is so much more. Raquel wrote and monitored my meal plan, her exercise programming and check-ins has helped me to listen to my body more so I am getting adequate rest and not over training. Raquel has helped me to develop a more positive and healthy approach to my training and eating and which in return has yielded the results I was after. My squatting, deadlifting and overall technique have improved significantly with Raquel's guidance and expertise and I am very happy that I can now do these without any doubts in my mind.


I used to dread going to the gym and only do cardio but she's taught me how to lift weights and now I love the gym! VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Couldn’t recommend training with Raquel enough! Since starting with Raquel I’ve learnt so much about being and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. She’s understood my needs from the start and has pushed me so hard to meet my goals and live a healthier and happier life. I used to dread going to the gym or training but I actually look forward to it now. I never thought I’d be at a level where I’d go to the gym and do anything other than cardio but the variety she’s taught me has made a huge difference in my training program. Consistently checks in to keep you accountable so you know to hold yourself accountable to see results. Best trainer ever!


Raquel is the best PT I've ever met. Her passion for the industry is huge. She's caring and explains things in simple terms. I am... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Raquel is the best PT I've ever met. She really cares for her clients. Her passion for the industry is huge. She's caring and explains things in simple terms. I am finally at my goal weight and now am able to maintain. Her expertise in this field is second to none. She's the only one I trust ❤❤ Love you Raquel


Training with Raquel is the best decision ever ! my goal was weight loss however Raquel showed me that living a healthy fit lifestyle... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Training with Raquel is the best decision ever! My goal was weight loss however Raquel also showed me that living a healthy and fit lifestyle can contribute to more than just weight loss, it's a life change! I have higher energy than before, I feel better and I move better. From not working out at all and being lazy to loving working out is the game changer for me!!


I have tried a few PT and wasn't able to lose weight. Raquel has not only helped me to lose weight but also found a healthier way of... VIEW TRANSFORMATION
nimasha down 20kg with ladies that lift


In the year I have been with Coach Kiara I lost 20kg, and I have had a more regular cycle for the first time in 6 years with PCOS. VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Before I started with Kiara I had lost a bit of my confidence and was struggling with PCOS. I felt sluggish and unhappy about my fitness level, diet and was lost on how to regulate my PCOS symptoms. In the year I have been with Coach Kiara I have lost 20kg, I have had a more regular cycle for the first time in 6 years. I feel stronger, confident and generally healthier than I have ever felt before. I am very grateful for how compassionate and understanding she has been during the times when I didn’t believe in myself and for encouraging me to push on and keep going.


8kg + 27cm overall body down. In collaboration with Raquel this transformation took 5 months. VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Post Europe I struggled with my weight after taking time off training and being careless with food. I honestly was no longer in love with my body nor confident in my own skin - I needed to practise what I preach everyday to all of my clients and put my goals first! I have never felt so confident, sexy, strong and energised! Putting my goals first and relearning the discipline it takes to put myself and my goals first was the hardest part as it - as is for most my clients too, but once I was able to master that, the results came ✨✨☀️


I have gone from scared of food and snacking all the time to KNOWING how to nourish my body... VIEW TRANSFORMATION


Have been working with Kiara and Raquel for only 11 weeks and I have found my balance 🤩 I have gone from scared of food and snacking all the time to knowing how to nourish my body while maintaining balance with my food! Not to mention I’ve lost weight and gained incredible strength whilst making lifting a part of my lifestyle. The supportive environment provided by Raquel and Kiara had allowed me to grow in to who I always knew I was but never had the courage to express. Confidence has gone from 0 to 100 and I have these ladies to thanks 💗💗
Emma 6kg down with ladies that lift













We are an all-female based personal training service, we only provide one on one as we know that this is magic touch when “you’ve tried everything”.

ACCOUNTABILITY, TAILORED and with CARE. Having one on one time with your coach is so important and if you’re sick of pulling your hair out with what to do we cut the B.S for you.

All our attention is on YOU and your movements, your questions, and your individual needs. Uninterrupted. We are genuinely interested in you! Read our google reviews if you don’t believe us.

Also, we don’t do once-off programs.

We offer packages that are based on realistic time frames for your goals. Once-off programs can be found on google, youtube, instagram, tik tok, the list goes on. You’re coming to us to get serious about what you want! We will hold you accountable, we will tailor your program and nutrition to your needs, as well as a person to get DIRECT advice from rather than sift through fit influencers and there general, possible extreme and bias opinions on things. 

We understand women’s health, we understand you.



Everyone looks at the cost of a book, course or coach.

No-body considers the cost of being in the same place 1 year from now.



I have tried a few PT and wasn't able to lose weight.

Raquel has not only helped me to lose weight but also found a healthier way of living. I have become more confident in myself too.

Raquel listens to her clients and has great communication skillls as she works alongside her clients to achieve their goals. I would highly recommend Raquel and the Ladies That Lift team.
Before I started with Raquel I never thought I would be able to loss the weight I wanted to.

After 12 weeks I lost 14kg! I dropped 2 kg in the first week from just trying a new diet plan more suited to my body and health.

You're not only getting a PT, you are also getting a friend - someone who has your back no matter what you think, say or do and Raquel knows you can do it and achieve that end result. I’ve been with Raquel since 2019 and I can’t wait to see what happens next
I have gone from scared of food and snacking all the time to KNOWING how to nourish my body.

Not to mention I’ve lost weight and gained incredible strength whilst making lifting a part of my lifestyle. The supportive environment provided by Raquel and Kiara had allowed me to grow in to who I always knew I was but never had the courage to express. Confidence has gone from 0 to 100 and I have these ladies to thanks 💗💗



Who said we need to be less than who we are?

Let’s take up space! Let’s be loud! Let’s lift heavy! Let’s train with intent! Let’s be the strongest chick in the room and hype the other women around us! Let’s be the best version of ourselves and cheer the women around us on too.

Ladies that Lift is a space for women to get strong, and EMBRACE the strong women around them, we specialise in female personal training, we understand you, the female body, and just how important taking care of yourself physically and emotionally is.