Periods and The Pill

By Raquel Ramirez The Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) does not “regulate your cycle”. It does the complete opposite and it’s not a replacement of your natural hormones. When you bleed each month (if you take the sugar pill) it’s a FAKE PERIOD. Now you might be wondering, “how can it be fake? it’s blood!” There […]

Updated: Sep 22, 2020 PCOS affects over 7 million people. That’s more than the number of people diagnosed with breast cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and lupus combined. This information is for information purposes only and does not substitute medical advice from your doctor. Always speak to your health professional in regards to any of […]
Managing PMS

PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is experienced by 80% of women. 80%!!!! AND there are 150 different PMS symptoms and they could be any of (but not limited to) the following: Low moods Irritability Anxiety & Depression Tender breasts Cramps Fatigue IBS Irregular cycles Abdominal bloating Headaches If any of these sound familiar, I want you to […]
Understanding your period

Updated: Sep 9, 2020 Updated August 2020 There’s an abundance of information when it comes to female health these days and lucky for many women who are unsure if what they are experiencing is ‘normal’. My aim is to create awareness of your body. Some of the generalisations in here like “this phase you will […]