You Don’t Need to be ‘Comp Lean’ to Do a Photoshoot

Have you ever thought about doing a photoshoot? Back in the day, photoshoots used to be for celebrities and the ‘dick-skin’ lean people and that was pretty far and few in-between. I competed as a fitness model and couldn’t wait to have a photoshoot BUT when push came to shove, I still did not feel […]
Rebecca’s Testimonial and photoshoot!

First off, I just want to congratulate this gorgeous woman on her photoshoot – she looks stunning, drop-dead gorgeous. When you put your mind to something anything is possible! Rebecca is a pleasure to coach, and is a coach’s dream client – listens, asks questions, does the work, shows up, and is accountable to herself, […]
Grow your Glutes with Ladies That Lift

Glute training has become an empowering focus in a woman’s fitness journey, from women just beginning their training experience right through to more advanced gym go-ers, and we love to see it! It’s not just a Kardashian fashion trend of big butt implants … NO! It’s a phenomenon of women learning how to grow a […]
The Sex GAP in research, where do us females fit in?

You may have done your ‘research’ but how much of that research represents you? Just over half of Australia’s population is women, 51%, 12.6 million women (AIHW, 2018). “Compared with males, females have a higher life expectancy and experienced more of their total disease burden due to living with the disease rather than from dying […]
Periods and The Pill

By Raquel Ramirez The Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) does not “regulate your cycle”. It does the complete opposite and it’s not a replacement of your natural hormones. When you bleed each month (if you take the sugar pill) it’s a FAKE PERIOD. Now you might be wondering, “how can it be fake? it’s blood!” There […]
I was on page 25 of the Herald Sun!

You may have seen me in the Herald Sun Paper on Sunday 6th of June 2021. I have briefly touched on my thoughts and experience with body image and talked a lot about my binge eating problems on episodes 8, 11, 14 of my podcast The Female Health Show. The noticeable shift in my relationship […]